2023m Rules ( English)

  1. General information.

    • dB Drag competition is a competition of car audio systems, in which participants compete to find out whose car audio equipment causes the greatest pressure in the car.
    • Sound pressure measurements are monitored and recorded with an original US-made Term-Lab or SPL Lab device for dB Drag racing.
    • During the competition, participants must pay close attention to the safety of other participants, judges, and spectators, so everyone must clearly understand and follow these rules.
    • All components of the audio system must be clearly visible and accessible for measurements in case of doubt to the competition commission.
    • The participant must be acquainted with the rules of the competition and confirm this with a signature during registration.
    • On the day of the competition, Participants must arrive at the time set by the organizer. If the Participants arrive late, the Organizer has the right not to let Participant into Competition area.
    • A participant who does not follow these rules will be disqualified.
  1. Information about registration.

    • Participants arriving on the day of the competition must register by the set time and by submitting personal and car registration documents. Subsequent participants will no longer be registered.
    • During registration, the participant must provide detailed information about the specification of the installed audio equipment (models, parameters declared by the manufacturer).
    • A mark confirming the payment of the registration fee is attached to the Participant’s sheet issued by registration staff, which the participant must keep on the front panel of his car for the entire duration of the competition.
    • At the end of the registration, the technical commission checks the car audio equipment of all participants and confirms in which class the participant will compete.
    • The specifications of the installed audio equipment, which were specified during the registration, will be checked again before the competition, after the inspection it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO CHANGE THE AUDIO EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION.


  1. Registration fee information.

    • Registration fee – will vary depending on the event.


  1. Distribution of participants into groups.


Participants participate in three disciplines:
  1. dB Drag low frequency, maximum Sound Pressure Level measurement;
  2. BassRaceaverage low frequency Sound Pressure measurement;
  3. Street Sound maximum music volume measurement (peak amplitude).



Each of the above disciplines is divided into several categories:
  • dB Drag:

    • Street Stock;
    • Street A;
    • Street B;
    • Street C;
    • Extreme;
    • Extreme Plus;
  • Bassrace:

    • Street A;
    • Street B;
    • Street C;
    • Extreme;
    • Extreme Plus;
  • Street Sound:

    • Street Sound Stock;
    • Street Sound Master;
    • Street Sound Extreme.


  • The organizers of the competition divides participants into groups during the registration or after the registration.
  • Participants will be divided into six classes: Street Stock, Street A, Street B, Street C, Extreme and Extreme Plus. Five classes in BassRace discipline: Street A, Street B, Street C, Extreme, Extreme Plus. And three classes in Street Sound discipline: Street Sound Stock, Street Sound Master, Street Sound Extreme.
  • Participants are divided into classes according to the sound system installed in the car and the modifications made to the car.
  • A participant, with the same car, can compete in only one class of one discipline.
  • A device with a diameter of 20 cm or more is considered a subwoofer and if it’s specified by manufacturer will be classified as a subwoofer. Passive audio emitters, ports, and channels are not considered subwoofers.
  • Classes Street Stock, Street A, Street B and Street C must include unmodified cars without separate chambers or walls, with the number of seats specified in the car’s technical passport. The seats may be folded during the sound pressure measurement, but it must be possible to fold them to their original position at the request of the judge. The entire sound system must be installed in the boot (trunk). Additional openings on the outside of the car body are not permitted. In these classes, a single layer of sound-insulating material not exceeding 4 mm in thickness is permitted.
  • Any chambers or walls in the car are an acoustic system. Cars with acoustic systems can only compete in the Extreme and Extreme Plus classes.
  • The rear boot (trunk) panel is not considered an acoustic system. Minimum mods (door speaker podiums, rear boot (trunk) panel) are not considered as car modifications.
  • Participants can use any audio system powered by the car’s 12V electrical system. If the supply voltage with the motor switched off exceeds 14V, the competitor may compete only in the Extreme and Extreme Plus classes.
  • The car’s engine does not have to be switched off during the measurement.


It is forbidden for the participant to change the location of the sensor after the judges installed it!

SPL Challenge discipline


  1. Street Stock class information and specifications.

    • Street Stock class is for participants who have not previously participated in the competition. The audio equipment used in this class must be accessible to everyone (cannot be specially made for pressure – 4th, 6th, etc.).
    • Persons, companies, or their representatives involved in the sale of audio equipment or professional installation may not participate in the Street Stock class.
    • Acoustic walls or chambers are not permitted, except for the rear boot (trunk)sill (panel). Amplifiers used for non-subwoofers are not included.
    • The height of the box must not exceed the height of the rear seats. The entire audio system must be installed in the boot.
    • Standard 12V, 6-section lead / acid or gel batteries for cars are allowed. Car can’t have any extra batteries to power car audio system.
    • This class is for cars without major modifications and excludes the following cars: Honda CRX, Fiat Panda, Seat Marbella, Yugos, trucks, minibuses.
    • The number of speakers is UNLIMITED
    • Maximum power cannot exceed 1500 Wrms, load not less than 1Ω.


  1. Street A class information and specs.

    • Acoustic walls or chambers are not permitted, except for the rear boot (trunk)sill (panel). Amplifiers used for non-subwoofers are not included.
    • The height of the box must not exceed the height of the rear seats. The entire audio system must be installed in the boot.
    • Standard 12V, 6-section lead / acid or gel batteries for cars are allowed. The main battery must be in the place specified by the manufacturer, the auxiliary battery must be in the boot. Batteries must be securely fastened. Amplifiers used for non-subwoofers are not included.
    • No more than two batteries are allowed.
    • No more than two low frequency amplifiers are allowed.
    • Only one 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofer
                    or no more than two 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers,
                    or up to three 20cm (8 ‘) subwoofers are allowed
  • Maximum power cannot exceed 2000 Wrms, load not less than 1Ω.


  1. Street B class information and specs.

    • Acoustic walls or chambers are not permitted, except for the rear boot (trunk)sill (panel). Amplifiers used for non-subwoofers are not included.
    • The height of the box must not exceed the height of the rear seats. The entire audio system must be installed in the boot.
    • Standard 12V, 6-section lead / acid, gel or lithium (LTO) batteries for cars are permitted. The main battery must be in the place specified by the manufacturer, the auxiliary battery must be in the boot. Batteries must be securely fastened.
    • No more than two batteries are allowed.
    • No more than two low frequency amplifiers are allowed.
    • Only one 38 cm (15 ‘) diameter subwoofer
                   or not more than two 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofers,
                   or not more than three 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers,
                   or up to four 20 cm (8 ‘) subwoofers are allowed.
  • Maximum power must not exceed 3000 Wrms, load not less than 0.5Ω.


  1. Street C class information and specs

    • Acoustic walls or chambers are not permitted, except for the rear boot (trunk)sill (panel). Amplifiers used for non-subwoofers are not included.
    • The size of the box must not exceed half the volume of the machine, not more than 35 cm to the ceiling and not more than 25 cm to the front door strut. Smaller boxes can be placed on the backs of the rear seats.
    • Non-standard batteries up to 16V, lead / acid, gel or lithium (LTO) are allowed. The main battery must be in the place specified by the manufacturer, in the auxiliary trunk. Batteries must be securely fastened.
    • The number of batteries is unlimited.
    • Up to 3 low frequency amplifiers can be used.
    • Only one 46 cm (18 ‘) diameter subwoofer
                   or not more than two 38 cm (15 ‘) subwoofers,
                   or not more than three 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofers,
                   or not more than four 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers,
                   or up to six 20 cm (8 ‘) subwoofers are allowed.
  • Permissible load not less than 0.25Ω.


  1. Extreme class information and specs

    • Up to 4 amplifiers per subwoofer.
    • The number of batteries is unlimited. Maximum permissible battery voltage up to 18 V.
    • The car must be fully operational (must move on its own).
    • Playback range 20-60Hz.
    • The equipment must be mounted behind the front door pillars.
  1. Extreme Plus class information and spec

    • The number of speakers is unlimited.
    • No more than 4 amplifiers per one speaker.
    • The capacity of batteries is unlimited. The maximum allowed voltage is 18V.
    • The equipment must be installed up to the front door frame.


BassRace Discipline


  1. BassRace discipline general rules

    • There will be only one measurement in the BassRace discipline, with the participants taking the appropriate place considering the showed result;
    • Registered participant with one car in the BassRace category can participate only in one category, although the car audio system may allow for participation in several BassRace classes;
    • Measurements can be made with the engine running, not exceeding +/- 2000 rpm;
    • In the discipline, only a participant may be present in the car during measurements;
    • Before the measurements are made, the location of the sensor with a special measuring instrument will be marked on the windscreen;
    • In BassRace discipline there are four classes with different Subwoofer limits.
  1. BassRace Street A Subwoofer limit:

  • Only one 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofer – 1 piece 12 inches;
  • or no more than two 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers- 2 pieces 10 inches;
  • or up to three 20cm (8 ‘) subwoofers – 3 pieces 8 inches.
  1. BassRace Street B Subwoofer limit:

  • Only one 38 cm (15 ‘) diameter subwoofer – 1 piece 15 inches;
  • or no more than two 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofers – 2 pieces 12 inches;
  • or no more than three 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers – 3 pieces 10 inches;.
  • or up to four 20 cm (8 ‘) subwoofers – 4 pieces 8 inches.



  1. BassRace Street C Subwoofer limit:

  • Only one 46 cm (18 ‘) diameter subwoofer – 1 piece 18 inches;
  • or not more than two 38 cm (15 ‘) subwoofers – 2 pieces 15 inches;
  • or not more than three 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofers – 3 pieces 12 inches.
  • or not more than four 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers – 4 pieces 10 inches.
  • or up to six 20 cm (8 ‘) subwoofers – 6 pieces 8 inches.
  1. BassRace Extreme Subwoofer limits:

  • Two 46 cm (18 ‘) diameter subwoofer – 2 pieces 18 inches;
  • No more than three 38 cm (15 ‘) subwoofers – 3 pieces 15 inches;
  • No more than four 30 cm (12 ‘) subwoofers – 4 pieces 12 inches.
  • No more than six 25 cm (10 ‘) subwoofers – 6 pieces 10 inches.
  • Up to eight 20 cm (8 ‘) subwoofers – 8 pieces 8 inches.
  1. BassRace Extreme Plus Subwoofer limits:

  • No limits.
  • All above Extreme class limits.



  1. Street Sound discipline general rules.

    • In all Street Sound categories measuring sensor is set at the height of the driver’s door center, 1 meter from the driver’s door and 1 meter from the side of the car and 1 meter from the ground. In a discipline, all questions which is not covered by this Statute are decided by the judges, to ensure the same attitude to all of the participants.
    • It is forbidden to use “pink noise”, “white noise”, “sinus” and other sound tracks like these. If judges will have any suspicions that participant uses specially made sound track for Street Sound discipline, then judges may ask to play some other audio file giving time for preparing.
    • Street Sound in all classes from qualifications in the finals is chosen 4 of the highest scores from the participants. Award-winning places and the results of the finals will be determined from four best.
    • It is allowed to use audio files from “YouTube”, “Spotify”, CD albums, USB memory and other sources.



Street Sound Stock class rules

  1. Up to 2×6,5 inches or 1×8 inches units in the car door, including coaxial and midrange woofers

  • In a discipline door panels must be enshrined at standard places (they can be extra enshrined) and featured panel can not be more than 15 centimeters thick from iron door surface;
  • If the number of units is bigger, then participant is moved to the next class;
  • During measurement subwoofer should be switched off;
  • Before the measurement a sensor will be installed;
  • Frequency measuring limit is from 60 Hz to 1000 Hz;
  • Judges do not provide audio files for the participants;
  • In the discipline, only a participant may be present in the car during measurements;
  • Measurements can be made with the engine running, not exceeding idle rpm.



Street Sound Master class rules.


  1. Up to 4×6,5 inches or 2×8 inches, or 1×10 inches units in the car door, including coaxial and midrange woofer etc.

  • In a discipline door panels must be enshrined at standard places (they can be extra enshrined) and featured panel cannot be more than 15 centimeters thick from iron door surface;
  • If the number and size of the units is bigger, then participant is moved to the next class;
  • During measurement subwoofer should be switched off;
  • Before the measurement a sensor will be installed;
  • Frequency measuring limit is from 60 Hz to 1000 Hz;
  • Judges do not provide audio files for the participants;
  • In the discipline, only a participant may be present in the car during measurements;
  • Measurements can be made with the engine running, not exceeding idle rpm.

Street Sound Extreme class rules


  1. In this discipline there are no limits for number and types of units.

  • Measurements can be made with the engine running, not exceeding idle rpm.
  • In the discipline, only a participant may be present in the car during measurements;
  • During measurement subwoofer should be switched off;
  • Before the measurement a sensor will be installed;
  • Frequency measuring limit is from 60 Hz to 1000 Hz;
  • Judges do not provide audio files for the participants;
  • In a discipline, all questions which is not covered by this Statute are decided by the judges.
  • Measuring has been made from the side of the driver’s door.



  1. Information for participants.

    • The sound pressure measuring sensor is attached to the windshield at a distance of 30 cm from the right pillar of the car and at a distance of 10 cm from the front panel. The distance from the sensor to the seat must not be less than 76.2 cm.
    • Frequency generator, harmonizer, speakers with servomechanisms, etc. use is prohibited.
    • All components of the audio system must be fitted (additional, capacitors, amplifiers, etc.) and must not violate the rules for their use and operation specified by the manufacturer.
    • Cables not provided by the car manufacturer must be tidy (insulated, undamaged) to avoid endangering people or property.
    • Subwoofer boxes may not be fitted during the competition, provided that they do not violate the rules for their use and operation.
    • During the measurement, the car’s original or retrofitted air-blowing devices must be switched off (this provision also applies to the car’s interior air conditioning system), doors, windows, hatches or boot lid and all other openings must be closed (except the driver’s door), the parking brake must be activated. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in disqualification.
    • At the measuring site during the preparation for 5 min. the participant is allowed to seal the leaky places of the car with adhesive tape or other materials.


  1. The course of the competition

    • After the division of the participants into groups, the qualifying stage of the competition is carried out in each group, i.e., the sound pressure of all cars in the same group is measured.
    • 5 minutes are allocated for the participant to enter the measurement site. preparation.
    • The sound pressure measurement is performed for 30 seconds.
    • The participant must arrive at the venue no later than 5 minutes. after instruction. If the participant does not arrive at the site within the set time, the measurement is not performed. In this case, the participant’s result is 0.00dB.
    • After the qualifying stage, there are eight or four (if there are less than 8 participants in the group) participants with the highest results of car sound pressure measurements. They continue to compete in the playoffs, others are eliminated from the competition.
    • The participant can use any storage unit or a device, with any musical recording. The entry must be MUSICAL (can have sinus waves in it).
    • If the sound recording is recorded during the measurement in STREET classes lower than 20Hz or higher than 60Hz, the result will be 0.00dB.
    • If a fault has occurred in the competitor’s audio system during the measurement, but the result is recorded, the competitor must be able to rectify the fault without changing the subwoofers, amplifiers, or their configuration before the next stage of the competition. If this is not possible, the next stage will be taken by the lower ranked participant.
    • It is FORBIDDEN to change the subwoofers, amplifiers, and their configuration between measurements or at the sound measurement site.
    • With the same measurement results, participants will have to re-measure the sound pressure.
    • The participant is allowed to have a support group (up to 5 people including children) at the measurement site next to the car. Except BassRace and Street Sound disciplines.
    • The participant and / or members of the support team are allowed to hold the car body parts by touch during the measurement.
    • Actions of the participant and / or members of his / her support group (intoxication with alcohol or other psychotropic substances, aggressive behavior, incitement to fight, insulting judges, other participants or spectators and other acts contrary to generally accepted moral norms) entitle the judges to disqualify the participant.
    • During all competitions, the participant is fully responsible for the actions of the members of his support group in accordance with the provisions of these rules.
    • The car sound system is controlled only by the participant.


  1. Final Provisions

    • Car audio systems can create high sound pressure, so participants are advised not to be in the car during the measurements, to use the remote control. Those without a remote control of the audio system are allowed to be in the car if the participant uses additional hearing protection (headphones). Unauthorized persons are not allowed in the car during the measurement. The organizers do not take responsibility for possible health problems of the participants.
    • The organizers and judges do not take responsibility for possible failures of the participant’s audio system or car during the competition.
    • Competitors must not violate public order, respect other participants and spectators, and listen to the instructions of the judges. KET must be observed in the territory of the event, violators are responsible for their violations in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
    • Distribution of advertising material (booklets, flyers, etc.) during the event in the event area is allowed only with the prior agreement of the competition organizers and their permission.
    • All protests against judges’ decisions are made only in writing. A fee of 50Є (fifty euros) is charged for accepting an opposition. If the protest is found to be justified, the fee will be refunded. If the opposition is not upheld, the fee is used for organizational costs and is not refunded to the opponent. You can write protests to info@dbdragas.lt
    • The registration fee will not be refunded to the disqualified participant.

The specifications of the subwoofers and amplifiers will be read according to the manufacturer’s declarations.

Public settings between stages can be edited by the organizers.